Good Credit Is Good for All

Key players in the business of expanding, improving and maintaining hospitality industry properties – franchise owners and managers, brand executives, furniture and equipment manufacturers, and financing sources – know the importance of choosing FF&E purchasing and design professionals with both deep, relevant experience and high ethical standards.

Choosing FF&E professionals who consistently maintain financial stability and demonstrate good stewardship of the funds entrusted to them is also critical. Since our founding in 1992, PPI is known by its customers for providing top notch design and purchasing services, by its vendors for paying its bill on time, and by D&B for submitting timely, transparent and verifiable financial information.

At PPI, we take our credit rating seriously and our good rating supports positive credit decisions from our vendors.  In turn, our customers can feel secure paying advance deposits to PPI to assure availability and pricing of goods being ordered.

For example, we recently completed a television replacement program for a customer with more than 90 properties. Successful completion of the program meant that, over a six-month period, televisions had to arrive at the properties on the exact dates installation crews were ready to receive and install them. PPI and the customer planned the program with that end in mind, and collaborated with the manufacturer to make it happen.

Our superior credit history and D&B rating made it possible to increase our secured and open credit facilities to handle the influx. Our customer made it work by paying the television invoices earlier than normal terms. Thanks to our customer, manufacturer and lender, PPI was able to execute the plan and complete the program without a hitch.

We maintain our credit by meeting creditor or lender payment terms, managing returns efficiently, collecting customer accounts in a timely manner, and following other credit maintenance best practices. Doing so consistently for 23 years has earned us the best overall credit rating of FF&E companies that report to D&B.

Working hard to create and maintain good credit demonstrates stability and reliability. This is a key component of our mission statement and our customers are comforted knowing that their orders, commitments and payments are safe and sound with PPI.

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